Нарешті, я знайшла час на те, щоб опублікувати розповіді наших стажерів. Вони були в Сімферополі, там організовувалась конференція для волонтерів українських проектів та проходив фестиваль культур «Global Village 2013». Ви можете прочитати статтю про дану подію www.kianews.com.ua/node/52306
Локальний комітет «AIESEC в Сімферополі» запропонував усім стажерам екскурсію «study tour» по Криму. Тому наші стажери затримались там до 6 лютого. До речі, у Криму зараз весна, плюс 10-12, а у Севастополі взагалі було плюс 20! Я заздрю їм!

Розповіді написані після двохтижневого та тижневого перебування в Україні та Чернівцях. Для цього ми зібрались у незмінному неофіційному місці зібрання організації «Literatur Cafe». Атмосфера у даному закладі надихає=))
В загальному, враження позитивні. Як виявилось, для більшості — це взагалі перша поїздка закордон. Чесно мені їх жаль і я не розумію, чому вони обрали саме Україну=) Їхня відповідь — ми ніколи не бачили снігу і не жили при мінус 20 (вони начитались в інтернеті про минулорічні морози мінус 37 у Луганську). Поки їм пощастило із нашою зимою=)
Їхні відгуки написані англійською мовою, але я впевнена, що у вас з цим не буде проблем!
Ryan, China:

«About the city.
After getting out of the railway station, i found that the city is covered by snow and this scene is very beautiful. Air is so fresh especially. Architecture in Chernivtsi is also glamorous. Churches painted in many colours are fresh to me. Many squares, monuments and park are very attractive.
About people.
People here are really really very kind. Even many of them don't speak English at all, which is quite an obstade for us interns, I can feel the hospitality of them. On the bus people help each other to pay for the ticket. In shops and streets, cashier and clerk smile at me. All of this make me feel good.
Irina and Nastia, sooooo many big thanks. You are so kind. Lots of love!
About school.
I am so glad to enter school where student's English is very good. Most importantly their energy and kindness moves me so much. When being with children, the atmosphere is very happy. They are so curious about everything, about me, cute guy from China. Very good experience.»
Rafael, Brazil:

«Ukraine is a cold country! But I like that:) In Kiev I stayed 3 days with Gonzalo and Didar and it was nice! We went to a lot of places and to a pub with the guys from AIESEC Kiev. Coming to Chernivtsi, the train was a great experience, but Didar couldn't sleep. In Chernivtsi, my life been having a lot of fun, cause i live in a international flat! The unic thing that i don't like in the city is their public transportation!!! At the school it's amazing, all the people are very nice with me. TNX U AIESEC CHERNIVTSI!!!»
Mohamed, Bahrain:

«When I was in my country, Bahrain, I was very excited to take a part in this project in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. The city is more beautiful than i thought first especially the center of it. Also I enjoyed the first lessons in the school with the students. I really hope to help and benefit them.»
Fadhel, Bahrain:

«When I first arrived to Ukraine, I was really scared because I knew that almost nobody can speak English. At first it was a little hard. But later, with the help of my friends, I got used to it. Ukraine in general is so beautiful. I like it's weather because it is different for me. I like the buildings and the people. I think the people in Chernivtsi are very friendly and kind. And when I was at the school, the students see me as a cool and awesome guy. Personally I don't know why!
Members in AIESEC are so helpful, I would not be able to achive anything without them. A special thanks to Nastia. She is very friendly, kind and caring. She treated us like her brothers and sisters.
I think AIESEC is a very good and productive program. It makes us meet different and nice people from all the world. And I think that I will benefit a lot from it.»
Didar, Turkey:

«I stayed 3 days in Kiev. Kiev was really perfect. Even if we just ate McDonald's everything was great. Unfortunately, the train travel was really bad. I couldn't sleep 14 hours in train, I thought to go back in Turkey. And until Thursday we didn't know that we could go to Chernivtsi. The host-family problems were also another bad thing. Even if my building smells really bad, I love Natalie and home. She is really kind girl. The problem is that there is no food in room. Of course, it is a student house. Anyway, I met with Alex and Lena. They are my host family friends. They are really helpful guys. And at home, about 2 days I was alone. There was nobody who can speak English. But nowadays I'm really happy to be here. Everything's gonna be allright I believe. Of course, I know these are little problems contrast to my problems, I'm really happy. I love my friends, I love Chernivtsi. Chernivtsi has really big importance in my life. Because it is my first country, first city, I wanna have fun, I wanna enjoy and I wanna have excellent English. That's all. Thanks for everything.»
Gonzalo, Peru:

«The first day I come to Kiev, i was really scary, I have listened many things about people, ways of thinking, politic situation and so on. In fact, I tried to be isolated with many people. However, I knew this experience would be different and it would help me to understand many things. The day coming on and I started to understand the people and know their better. I spend 2 days in Kiev and it was really beautiful.
When I arrived to Chernivtsi, we start to do the school, I consider very lucky person because they gave me a very good team, Ryan and Irina, very kind person. I'm really happy to be there because I can see what is the real situation and what expectations of them. I hope to learn much things cause we are going to be for one month more.»
Hatem, Egypt:

«Ukraine is a marvelous country, I am very excited to be here specially in this hard winter time, which i love the most, Kyiv was very great for just 1 day, I had good time in walking in the city, I visited a Mall and looked at the theatre which looks just perfect, but I had problem with language, that i was very hungry and wanted to have lunch and kept asking a lot and the only answer I got „niet“ Do you speak English? „niet“. My train journey was the most ridiculous part that I felt very tired of being alone and couldn't sleep in the train.
First day in school was very good and I had so much fun with kids, which I was lucky to introduce to them my country „Egypt“ and I was happy to find many of them who wanted to visit Egypt or have visited before, also they kept saying a lot „Mamma Mia“& „Wow“ whenever they see the resorts & beaches of Hurghada and Sharm El-Sheikh. It was a perfect expensive and I am glad to find people who loved my country.»
Я передрукувала кожне їхнє слово, як то кажуть, «all rights reserved». Дійсно, у кожного різні враження і це добре, що вони написали не тільки про позитивні сторони стажування, але й негативні. Це дає нам змогу удосконалювати свою роботу.
Щиро запрошуємо усіх до нашої організації!!! Триває весняний набір!!! Якщо ви хочете також поїхати на стажування, прожити 6 тижнів в іншій країні, серед інших людей, відчути дух культури та життя, познайомитись з молодими людьми з різних країн, то це ваш шанс!!! Не прогавте його і не просиджуйте все літо в Чернівцях!!!
Реєструйтесь ua.join-aiesec.com/candidates/
Локальний комітет «AIESEC в Сімферополі» запропонував усім стажерам екскурсію «study tour» по Криму. Тому наші стажери затримались там до 6 лютого. До речі, у Криму зараз весна, плюс 10-12, а у Севастополі взагалі було плюс 20! Я заздрю їм!

Розповіді написані після двохтижневого та тижневого перебування в Україні та Чернівцях. Для цього ми зібрались у незмінному неофіційному місці зібрання організації «Literatur Cafe». Атмосфера у даному закладі надихає=))
В загальному, враження позитивні. Як виявилось, для більшості — це взагалі перша поїздка закордон. Чесно мені їх жаль і я не розумію, чому вони обрали саме Україну=) Їхня відповідь — ми ніколи не бачили снігу і не жили при мінус 20 (вони начитались в інтернеті про минулорічні морози мінус 37 у Луганську). Поки їм пощастило із нашою зимою=)
Їхні відгуки написані англійською мовою, але я впевнена, що у вас з цим не буде проблем!
Ryan, China:

«About the city.
After getting out of the railway station, i found that the city is covered by snow and this scene is very beautiful. Air is so fresh especially. Architecture in Chernivtsi is also glamorous. Churches painted in many colours are fresh to me. Many squares, monuments and park are very attractive.
About people.
People here are really really very kind. Even many of them don't speak English at all, which is quite an obstade for us interns, I can feel the hospitality of them. On the bus people help each other to pay for the ticket. In shops and streets, cashier and clerk smile at me. All of this make me feel good.
Irina and Nastia, sooooo many big thanks. You are so kind. Lots of love!
About school.
I am so glad to enter school where student's English is very good. Most importantly their energy and kindness moves me so much. When being with children, the atmosphere is very happy. They are so curious about everything, about me, cute guy from China. Very good experience.»
Rafael, Brazil:

«Ukraine is a cold country! But I like that:) In Kiev I stayed 3 days with Gonzalo and Didar and it was nice! We went to a lot of places and to a pub with the guys from AIESEC Kiev. Coming to Chernivtsi, the train was a great experience, but Didar couldn't sleep. In Chernivtsi, my life been having a lot of fun, cause i live in a international flat! The unic thing that i don't like in the city is their public transportation!!! At the school it's amazing, all the people are very nice with me. TNX U AIESEC CHERNIVTSI!!!»
Mohamed, Bahrain:

«When I was in my country, Bahrain, I was very excited to take a part in this project in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. The city is more beautiful than i thought first especially the center of it. Also I enjoyed the first lessons in the school with the students. I really hope to help and benefit them.»
Fadhel, Bahrain:

«When I first arrived to Ukraine, I was really scared because I knew that almost nobody can speak English. At first it was a little hard. But later, with the help of my friends, I got used to it. Ukraine in general is so beautiful. I like it's weather because it is different for me. I like the buildings and the people. I think the people in Chernivtsi are very friendly and kind. And when I was at the school, the students see me as a cool and awesome guy. Personally I don't know why!
Members in AIESEC are so helpful, I would not be able to achive anything without them. A special thanks to Nastia. She is very friendly, kind and caring. She treated us like her brothers and sisters.
I think AIESEC is a very good and productive program. It makes us meet different and nice people from all the world. And I think that I will benefit a lot from it.»
Didar, Turkey:

«I stayed 3 days in Kiev. Kiev was really perfect. Even if we just ate McDonald's everything was great. Unfortunately, the train travel was really bad. I couldn't sleep 14 hours in train, I thought to go back in Turkey. And until Thursday we didn't know that we could go to Chernivtsi. The host-family problems were also another bad thing. Even if my building smells really bad, I love Natalie and home. She is really kind girl. The problem is that there is no food in room. Of course, it is a student house. Anyway, I met with Alex and Lena. They are my host family friends. They are really helpful guys. And at home, about 2 days I was alone. There was nobody who can speak English. But nowadays I'm really happy to be here. Everything's gonna be allright I believe. Of course, I know these are little problems contrast to my problems, I'm really happy. I love my friends, I love Chernivtsi. Chernivtsi has really big importance in my life. Because it is my first country, first city, I wanna have fun, I wanna enjoy and I wanna have excellent English. That's all. Thanks for everything.»
Gonzalo, Peru:

«The first day I come to Kiev, i was really scary, I have listened many things about people, ways of thinking, politic situation and so on. In fact, I tried to be isolated with many people. However, I knew this experience would be different and it would help me to understand many things. The day coming on and I started to understand the people and know their better. I spend 2 days in Kiev and it was really beautiful.
When I arrived to Chernivtsi, we start to do the school, I consider very lucky person because they gave me a very good team, Ryan and Irina, very kind person. I'm really happy to be there because I can see what is the real situation and what expectations of them. I hope to learn much things cause we are going to be for one month more.»
Hatem, Egypt:

«Ukraine is a marvelous country, I am very excited to be here specially in this hard winter time, which i love the most, Kyiv was very great for just 1 day, I had good time in walking in the city, I visited a Mall and looked at the theatre which looks just perfect, but I had problem with language, that i was very hungry and wanted to have lunch and kept asking a lot and the only answer I got „niet“ Do you speak English? „niet“. My train journey was the most ridiculous part that I felt very tired of being alone and couldn't sleep in the train.
First day in school was very good and I had so much fun with kids, which I was lucky to introduce to them my country „Egypt“ and I was happy to find many of them who wanted to visit Egypt or have visited before, also they kept saying a lot „Mamma Mia“& „Wow“ whenever they see the resorts & beaches of Hurghada and Sharm El-Sheikh. It was a perfect expensive and I am glad to find people who loved my country.»
Я передрукувала кожне їхнє слово, як то кажуть, «all rights reserved». Дійсно, у кожного різні враження і це добре, що вони написали не тільки про позитивні сторони стажування, але й негативні. Це дає нам змогу удосконалювати свою роботу.
Щиро запрошуємо усіх до нашої організації!!! Триває весняний набір!!! Якщо ви хочете також поїхати на стажування, прожити 6 тижнів в іншій країні, серед інших людей, відчути дух культури та життя, познайомитись з молодими людьми з різних країн, то це ваш шанс!!! Не прогавте його і не просиджуйте все літо в Чернівцях!!!
Реєструйтесь ua.join-aiesec.com/candidates/
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